For the month of August our Famous $20 Lunch is the classic Toulouse Cassoulet with Waitoa chicken, pork belly, smoky lardons, chorizo and white cannolini beans.


Enjoy with a glass of Hawkes Bay Cabernet or a Côtes du Rhône.

This iconic dish from Southwest France  is cherished espeically during the winter months because of it’s hearty and wholesome flavours  The name cassoulet comes from the word cassole, referring to the traditional, conical clay pot in which it is cooked (and which the potters of the village of Issel perfected).

As Julia Child, the original American who went to Paris and brought back a culinary revolution, memorably said, “Cassoulet, that best of bean feasts, is everyday fare for a peasant but ambrosia for a gastronome, though its ideal consumer is a 300-pound blocking back who has been splitting firewood nonstop for the last twelve hours on a subzero day in Manitoba.”

Available lunchtime, Monday – Friday.